Let’s be honest, an air conditioner not blowing cold air but running isn’t ideal, but especially so in the summer. And as luck would have it, that’s probably when it will decide to malfunction. Being that air conditioners consist of many parts, there’s a slew of things that could have gone wrong, but fear not, this doesn’t automatically mean expensive repairs or having to replace the whole system. Issues can vary, and so can their price points, so let’s take a look at some common culprits as to why your AC unit is not blowing cold air.
Common Reasons Your AC is Not Blowing Cold Air
Thermostat Issues and Incorrect Settings
This is one of the simplest things to check and to fix, and it’s probably where you should take a look first. A mistake as simple as having the fan settings set to “on” instead of “auto” can have the AC running but not cooling. More or less this little step makes the system blow air even if it’s not going through a cooling cycle, which in turns leads to warm air coming from the vents. So, have a look at your settings and make sure they are set for optimal cooling performance. The “cool” function should be selected, and the fan should be set to “auto”.
Clogged Air Filters
A commonly overlooked part of the system that ultimately plays a bigger role than one may think. The filter is responsible for catching everything that you don’t want in the air. It’s a barrier for things like dust, dirt, hair, and other airborne particles. When the filter becomes filled with all the goodness that we don’t want to be breathing, it becomes clogged, and in turn blocks airflow and reduces the system’s function to cool your home, or worse shuts the system down all together. So, have a look at your filter, as it may be responsible for your AC unit not cooling.
Blockages and Restricted Airflow
Blockages could be the reason why it may seem like your AC is not blowing cold enough. This goes for the condenser unit, which is often located outside, as well as for registers that are located inside. When the condenser unit is blocked, whether that be by grass, plants, or something else, it will not be able to properly release heat from the condenser coils. When it comes to the indoor registers, don’t block them with furniture and make sure they’re kept clean so as to not obstruct airflow.
Refrigerant Issues
Refrigerant is a chemical that transfers heat from the indoor space and moves it outside. The most common and well known being Freon. If the system is low on refrigerant, or if there’s a leak, the system in turn isn’t able to adequately move heat, which contributes to the AC not blowing cold air. Prolonged use can lead to damage, a failed compressor, or even complete system shutdown.
Coil Issues
When it comes to the cooling coils (also known as evaporator coils), they work to cool the air by drawing out the heat and moisture from the air that passes over them. These coils can also become dirty or even freeze over time. And when these coils aren’t working as they should, typically the system isn’t either, which leads to the home AC not blowing cold air. Keep in mind that accessing these coils can be rather difficult, and we would advise bringing in professionals to handle this particular issue.
Compressor Problems
The compressor is kind of like the heart of the system, and it’s responsible for circulating refrigerant between the indoor and outdoor units. So when it stops doing its job, temperatures tend to rise, and you tend to notice that your AC is not cooling.
Undersized Unit
Sometimes the problem lies in the size of the unit itself. When picking a unit, it’s important to take into account the square footage, local climate, as well as the overall construction and insulation of your home into consideration. If you put in a system that’s too small for your space, it’s more than likely that it will struggle to keep your home at a comfortable temperature. In this case asking “Why is my AC not cooling?” would be out of context – because it is cooling, it just can’t keep up.
System Maintenance
Last but not least, is taking a look at your system as a whole. How old is it? Maybe the time has truly come to put in a new system, or maybe it’s just time for a deep clean? Remember, that if you take care of things, they tend to last longer, and the HVAC system is no exception.
When to Call a Professional in New York and New Jersey
So don’t wait until your system starts malfunctioning, and then be left googling “Why is my air conditioner not blowing cold air?” Instead, keep up with routine maintenance, and call us at
so you’re not left saying “My AC is not cooling the house” when the summer heat strikes. We’ll be happy to do a maintenance check, deep clean, or even repair the system should you need it. So don’t let your system get you down, and stay ahead of the game by contacting us today.